September 04, 2013

BBQ Stakes 4 th September 2013

Teams event today and a solid turn out 59 runners.

Talwar Singh was the winner today, taking a bit of a ribbing from Kerrie for being the winner today, saying he must have tried. He has 189 runs with 5 wins and a P.B. of 29:32 on 1st August 2012.

John Busteed noted for his absence, it being 28 years since his P.B.

Health won the teams event. 

Andrew didn't show today, for he has a sickness, but he brought Roxie, and took her home.

Bad luck, since he has just enjoyed an overseas holiday.

Matthew Murphy will reportedly be back on 9th October.

Laura Toyne had a 22 seconds P.B. last week, and is concentrating on improving.

Leonie Doyle showed a clean pair of heels today with 30;54.  Jen had a P.B. last week by 14 seconds.

Good running for all those in The Canberra Times Fun run this Sunday.


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