June 20, 2013

BBQ Stakes 19 th June 2013

BBQ Stakes 19th June 2013

51 competitors today in better conditions than last week.

Mid year points are as follows:- Matthew Murphy leading, Bruce Wight is holding second place and Julie Quinn is coming third.

Terry Levings now has notched up 999 runs,  John Busteed has completed 898 runs.

Next week it is expected that  Terry Levings will complete 1000 runs. Will he  win next week, that's a tall order considering his recent placings, but it is rumoured that he has been  doing some secret training, perhaps  for the occasion.

Today's results are Raymond Chao, first, Gary Bowen second, a tight tussle between these two, third was Phil Toomey,  following his recent win and a two minute rehandicap.  Raymond was 14 th placed across the line at 49:55.


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