July 27, 2010

Lake Ginninderra Handicap 27th July 2010

A good clear relatively warmer Canberra Day saw numerous runners congregating for this Handicap event today. Number 323.

Starters included Jim Roberts, Rad Leovic, Mark Juddery ( a Canberra times Columnist with a new pair of running shoes) Rob Walters (the backmarker) and Simon Wall amongst others all sent off by Andrew Sutcliffe and Mike Aylott.

Doug Fry helped with the finishing place cards, and the barrel draws.

Refer this Link for the results and other information about this monthly handicap.


Much was said about the recent court case reported in The Canberra Times about the legal dispute betweeen the ACTCCC and CSM. This involves the Canberra Marathon and relevant Court Action. Claire was a clear winner today, with others picking up barrel draw prizes, including bottles of wine. One lucky winner, who was drawn for a bottle of wine said he would keep it as a present for a wine drinker friend, at an appropriate time.

One of the social clubs, has donated barrel draw prizes previously, and The Lighthouse Bar is also a barrel draw prize donor.


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