30 th Anniversary run had 59 participants.
Winner was Steven Murphy, second Raymond Chao, third was Andrew Guild.
The teams trophy was taken out by the Health team of Steven Murphy, Dolph Page and Matthew Murphy.
Julie Quinn was awarded her 100 run T-Shirt, and will travel the Six Foot Track this weekend together with Andrew Blyton and Richard Juckes.
The BBQ stakes course has changed slightly at the top of Waldock Street, but has remained basically the same as always.
Jim White brought his new Bicycle to the stakes and helped with the recording of results and Brian Crowe was welcomed back from his stint in Ethiopia, where he was involved in a project of restoring eyesight. " Fred Hollowes Foundation".
Results provided by spreadsheet courtesy Kerrie Tanner and Terry Dixon.
Rod Diaz 34:15, Carolyne Kramar 47:29, Ben Reay 38:12, Leanne Wilks 33:41, Jarrad Moffit 32:59, Francine Austin 33:00, Adrian Plunkett 46:04, Terry Levings 39:30, Matthew Fisher 32:18, Roger Pilkington 43:56, Steven Murphy 29:01, Raymomd Chao 28:40, Michael Te Velde 27:56, Andrew Guild 31:45, Dolph Page 34:49, Hamish Armstrong 23:36, Paul Baumgarten 34:51, Leah Afiabo 33:22, Lloyd Donnelly 32:25, Matthew Murphy 22:57, Stephen Wells 27:35, Richard Juckes 23:38, Jennifer Bright 26:55, Abel Miles 29:50, Kevin Chapman 36:10, Ruth Baussmann 37:32, Anna Weissel 31:03, Yili Wang 36:08, Geoff King 31:03, Simon Heinicke 31:03, John Scheding 37:52, Jenny Trudinger 28:56, Rodd Rundle 34:13, Alex kachalkov 31:59, Andrew Matthews 28:15, Lloyd Edwards 32:02, Gordon Calcino 31:23, Danny Hansen 40:09, Karl Heys 28:57, Terry Dixon 32:03, Maria Donohue 29:35, Katherine Hodges 36:41, Galvin Koh 36:17, Joanne Nathan 32:01, Craig Wurtz 29:47, Julie Quinn 27:47, John Hall 36:00, Simon Tuan 26:21, Kerrie Tanner 31:53, Bernie Crowe 53:21, John Barrett 31:39, Robert Ey 33:13, Bob Harlow 33:28, Gary Bowen33:49, Helen Larmour 33:51, John Busteed 57:10, Marc Wilson 57:10, Judy Kuleas 57:10, Doug Fry 57:10.