July 18, 2011

2011 Bush Capital Bush Marathon Festival, Campbell High School, Saturday 30 July

2011 Bush Capital Bush Marathon Festival, Campbell High School, Saturday 30 July
Entries for the Bush Capital Bush Marathon Festival on Saturday 30 July closed at midnight Friday 15 July.
After then you can still enter but late entry fees apply.
Although entries will be accepted on the day, this creates a considerable amount of post race work.
So please enter by Monday 25 July if possible so your chest number can be mailed to you.
Enter online at http://www.mountainrunning.coolrunning.com.au
Many more helpers are needed.
If you can help please, click on the Volunteer button on the event website and fill in your details.
Alternately contact John Harding directly at hackettrunner@hotmail.com or ph 6248 6905 or 0427 107 033


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