January 09, 2010

Currently Reading

One of the presents for Christmas.

John Grisham - The Partner.

Many twists and turns to this tale.

He stole ninety million dollars from his own firm, just before he was to be sacked.

I have read read a previous book by the same author "The Innocent Man", my choice from the bookshop.

Both good stories.

Looked on the internet for the meaning of po'boy

This was mentioned on page 374.

A term I will probably never use.

Scroll down for enlightenment.

A kind of open sandwich, with edible ingredients of your choice.


Blogger Friar said...

Now finished reading.

A massive 468 pages.

One mistake at page 351.

Often the books from Woden library have comments written by borrowers, and initials in the early pages, to indicate they have read the book previously.

That grates a bit with me, the dog eared pages are also a little annoying. I use bookmarks of which I have many.

That to me is a better option than dog-earring a book.ibrary books are a good choice, and I often look at the new releases table.

3:27 pm, January 10, 2010  

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