July 18, 2006

Got back To Running On Monday

After Saturday being too wet, and Sunday saying farewell to ARI, and then going to spectate at Black Mountain Peninsula, which meant that I didn't get to run, I ran on Monday.

With two weeks to the Bush capital Marathon, where I'll be doing the 16km event, the need was for a longish run, and that's what happened.

Early in the morning, 9:00am, some might say that's late, headed for the bike tracks towards Woden, but through the suburbs past the old holder High School, and via Weston, and up to the top of Oakey Hill, where I could see that the top of Mt Taylor was still shrouded in mist or fog.

Ran onto the lower slopes of Mt Taylor, then returned via the southern side tracks of Hindmarsh Drive, past Holder Primary where a new fence was being put in, and they had bulldozed a meter wide piece of dirt. So what did this old fella do? Well he decided to run along the dirt which happened to still be slightly wet from the rain, and he went around a curve, and slipped, getting covered in mud. Some old fogies never learn.

Finished the run about 10:30 am, by then the sun had emerged, and the washing went on the line.

However, the afternoon saw more rain and the washing got dried in front of the heater.

Now, come Tuesday morning the sun is again out, so more washing will be done, and today is the Black Mountain Gut Buster Run Up.

Until Next Time


Blogger strewth said...

Great run but glad you didn't hurt yourself falling in the mud! Good luck with the Black Mtn Runup - now that WILL be good training for the Bush Capital.

8:47 pm, July 18, 2006  
Blogger TD said...

You're not an old fogie, Friar and sorry to hear about the fall. I know exactly what you mean, though, about wet slushy stuff around the place. One does need to be careful and the soggy bits are not always easy to see either.

(I'm running the bush capital 16k as well)

9:08 pm, July 18, 2006  

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