April 15, 2011

ABS Fun Run 2011

Australian Bureau of Statistics Fun Run - Thursday 19 May 2011

We are excited to inform you that the Australian Bureau of Statistics Fun Run will be held this year on Thursday 19 May 2011 commencing at 12.30pm.

The fun run is an excellent opportunity to encourage and promote healthy and active participation in sports for people of all ages. The focus of this event is on fund raising, enjoyment and participation, rather than on pure athletic competition. The ABS would be delighted if you decide to participate in this community event.

The proceeds from this year's run will be donated to the ACT Cancer Council, which is a community organisation working to reduce the incidence and impact of cancer in the ACT community.

There are two courses: a 7.3km run and a 6km walk around Lake Ginninderra. Both courses commence at John Knight Memorial Park, adjacent to Lake Ginninderra College.

All participants will be eligible for some great prizes supplied by our generous sponsors.

Details about the run, including a link to the entry form, can be found at:

I would appreciate your assistance in publicising this event throughout your organisation and hope that many of your staff choose to participate.


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