Trevor Jacobs Does It By Degrees at University of Canberra
Friday, 28 January 2011
Trevor Jacobs made the most of Oliver Poland’s absence and an outstanding run of 24 min 45 sec for the 4.2 km Orange 1 at University of Canberra in Round 12 of the 2010-11 Runners Shop Twilight Series to score the maximum 125 points and join Poland at the top of the table. This was Jacobs’ fourth 125-pointer in the series.
Shannon Jones time of 22 min 29 sec was not good enough to repeat her win at Aranda Hill and had to settle for second and 124 points. In his third cameo appearance for the Series Anthony Scott was next best on 123 points for his time of 22 min 51 sec.
Grant McDonald scored his fourth 122-pointer with a time of 24 min 31 sec and Lachlan Dow made up the top five with the best time for the course, 20 min 43 sec.
With a time of 24 min 51 sec Bob Allison was fastest over the 3.0 km Orange 2 course. Kim Tucklee (W Open) and Ann Ingwersen (W Masters) were the fastest women in times of 29 min 50 sec and 30 min 41 sec respectively.
After 12 rounds, Jacobs and Poland shared the lead with 748 points from the best six scores. Jones remains within seven points of them and they are the only three could win the series this year.
Regular competitors should remember that there will be encouragement awards in addition to the awards for the first, second and third. And if they have any doubts about their points score (which could be caused by an incorrect YOB in the data) they should email
The next event will be at Mulligans Flat on 2 February.
The results for Round 12 are here
The RSTS points table is here
The competition rules are here