December 08, 2010

Better Later Than Never.

Tax return now completed.

Should get a few dollars refunded.

It took about one and one half hours to visit our tax agent, for them to prepare our returns, and return home after the event.

Only recently The Canberra Times carried a report of a tax office worker who had not prepared a tax return, even though there are in the tax office, numerous messages sent to staff, to remind them to lodge their returns.

There are also messages on the Tax Office website, indicating that a late lodgement penalty may be applied, and tax agents offering their services in preparing late tax returns.

The tax Office keeps a list of all interest from bank accounts, even though previously, they only required information where accounts attracted interest of over $100.

So having done our return, we will now start again, on the record keeping in preparation for next year's tax return time.

And next year will probably get our tax return prepared a little earlier.

Does anyone use an accountant for this purpose. ??


Blogger Ewen said...

I've been using HR Block in Tuggers. A few years ago I had a few years' backlog and they brought it up to date. Not cheap but it's deductible.

Throw everything (receipts etc) in a shoe box so it's all in one place for next year.

8:47 pm, December 08, 2010  

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